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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update On Our Little Urban Farm

Here are a few pictures of our new chicks and how they are growing.

This is an updated picture of our plantings.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hi Little Goats

Just a few more pics of the goats.

Adventures in Canning!

So I found some organic roma tomatoes on sale through my co op that I purchase organic food through. Well what do you do with 33 pounds of tomatoes? Why you make tomato sauce! The funny part to all of this is that I do not know how to can tomatoes. Well of course I do what everyone else does when you do not know how to do something. I you tube it! Through my internet searches I found out that using a hot water bath may not be the safest way to can tomatoes. Due to the fact that they walk the fine line of acidity, a water bath canner might not kill bacteria and other bad things. So I went out and made the purchase of a pressure canner. I did not mind the cost because it will be used bunches. Well back to my tomatoes.....

First I had to clean, blanch and peel 33 pounds of tomatoes! That took a couple of hours because it was only me. The picture above is only a sample of the amount of tomatoes I processed.

This is the canner I purchased from our local Walmart for around $70 including taxes. I of course am new to canning so I had to purchase more jars. A package of 12 pint size jars was only $7. So that is not too bad because I can reuse them every year. I only will have to purchase new lids.

Here are the tomatoes cooking down. Don't they look delish!

This is a video clip of my pressure canner. I have never used a pressure canner before and I thought it might would take off like a rocket. But everything worked out fine! 


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Memorial Fig Tree

This is the fig tree that I planted in memory of my best friends mom that passed away a year ago. It was planted on March 4.

Our Container Garden Started

This is the start to our container garden. We planted it with seeds. So now we wait!

New Chicks!

We bought four new chicks for the flock. They are straight run crested. So we do not know if they are roosters or hen. I hope they are all hens.

Pallet Compost Bin

This is the start of my compost bin made from pallets. I like to recycle/reuse things for my projects with minimal wood purchases. I will post another picture when it is complete.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Update On the Homemade Laundry Detergent

So I have been using the homemade detergent for little more than a week now and I would have to say that it really works. The only thing is it does not leave a "detergent" smell. But that is ok if you are sensitive. I will be adding some essential oils to it to see if it adds a scent. I also made homemade fabric softener and that is working out great also. Homemade deodorant is next on my list of homemade products to try and make. People should do this more often. It is very satisfying to know that you do not need to spend mega bucks on laundry every week. And with six people in my family we have a lot of laundry to do every day! So the cost can add up pretty quick. You can refer to my previous post for the laundry detergent recipe.

Obi and Chloe had a hair cut!

So I went and had my babies a spa day yesterday. It is getting kind warm here so it will be comfortable for them. I would have to say that they are just super cute! This is Chloe my Shih Tzu.

This is Obi my Yorkie!
 She just had her lunch. LOL!

Working With Pallets

Ok so I have realized that a lot of good wood is wasted in destroying pallets. So I am going to attempt to use them for some projects around the house. I will be building a compost bin today and pulling apart some larger pallets to make a picket fence around my back yard. Yes it is more work than just going to the hardware store to buy the wood but it is way more satisfying to know that you saved some trees. I hope to post some pics later today on my progress with all of this so wish me luck!!
Happy Urban Farming!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Our chickens usually get time out of the chicken yard every day if it is good weather. I let the roam around every morning and evening. They get to collect bugs and play in the leaves. I love to watch them look for bugs and run around. We are collecting about a dozen eggs a day now. This amount of eggs keeps us full and we are able to share with our family.
This is our rooster. He protects the flock. He is nice around us and he has not been mean yet, but if is does turn out to be a bad rooster we will just have to cook him up in a pot of dumplings. You can't have the rooster attacking the owner while she is trying to get eggs for the family.
This is one of the hens laying an egg! They will only lay in three of the six crates. They sure are funny creatures.

They are getting some good quality bug hunting time.

This is an example of our eggs. We get all sizes from small to extra large.

This is a video of our rooster crowing and looking for bugs with our hens.
I hope you enjoyed a day with our chickens!